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About Paige

Are you searching for a way to end your career confusion and move forward with clarity & confidence toward the career or business of your dreams?

I've got good news - that’s my SPECIALTY!

pmd Coaching is all about empowerment! Helping clients gain clarity of their unique skills & develop confidence within themselves so they can design a career or business they dream of.
Creating success that aligns with their core values.


Hi, I'm Paige!

Married for over 20 years to my favorite person. We live in upstate New York and have two amazing sons.

A little background on my career path ... shortly after college, I struggled with what direction to take my career. The one thing I knew post-graduation was that I was not taking my career (at least not fully) in a direction that aligned with my degree. After a few twists & turns, I started a career in Human Resources.

Fast forward 15 years, although I was enjoying the success of my career, I was struggling with an internal desire to be home more with my boys. My husband & I struggled for years with fertility, and after 5 years, we were blessed with two sons. So, when that desire to be with my boys turned into an internal need, I left my career to stay home and raise my sons ... and I never looked back!

With 20 years of experience as an HR Executive, working in the corporate & private sectors, combined with some independent consulting, I've taken my professional & personal experience to create programs that will help you get clear on your unique skills. Show you how to best utilize your network. Help you design a brand that speaks from your why, and teach you to speak authentically about who you are.

Listen, I get it!

... I've been where you are.
I was tying my self-worth into the title I held (or did not hold). I was at a crossroads.

Now, 10 years after leaving my career, I was ready for a relaunch. However, I was uncertain what that meant & what that would look like?! My boys were at an age where they no longer needed me at home full time. I was excited about shining the light back on myself and making an impact outside of our home. While I knew I wanted to get back in the game - I also knew I did not want the usual "9 to 5" job.

When I initially created this program, the COMPASS Method, it was 100% to help ME with my journey. I needed clarity on direction and I needed the confidence to relaunch my career.

With the help of this program, I cracked career satisfaction! 

...and you can too.

Here's a little secret ...
I am not your typical coach. However, what makes me different may be exactly what you need!

I use my practical experience in Human Resources combined with my personal experience of how to redefine yourself and return to the workforce.

The Core Values of The COMPASS Method

▪️ PURPOSE - We all have value. Helping others to discover their talents & gifts.

▪️ COMMUNITY - Community over competition. We build as we grow.

▪️ LEADERSHIP - Helping women to create their vision through clarity, certainty, and confidence.

▪️ EMPOWER - Helping women to develop confidence & improve their mindset.

About: About
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